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SEO Optimized Renewable Energy Website
Programmatic SEO website voor MD Solektra BV - Centraal & Zuid-Limburg - Zonnepanelen, laadpalen, thuisbatterijen - By Niels Castermans
2: Programmatic Metatags: (Titel, Meta descriptions, alts, etc.)
3: Programmatic Structured Data Breadcrumb Variables per page:
4: XML Sitemap geo pages with correct & KW rich slugs:
5: WebP Images, compressed to correct sizes with optimal keyword rich filenames:
6: Lighthouse Mobile flex:
7: Homepage services offered design on hover, UX looking professional and intrigues users to navigate further while building trust in the company:
8: Zonnepanelen (Solar Panels) section, with SEO optimized (exact KW match) internal button link to main location page of the province (Limburg) for the service:
9: Laadpalen (Charging Stations) section, with SEO optimized (exact KW match) internal button link to main location page of the province (Limburg) for the service:
10: Thuisbatterijen (Home Batteries) section, with SEO optimized (exact KW match) button link to main location page of the province (Limburg) for the service:
11: Recurring CTA section:
12: Reviews section, with correct Google Business linking for local SEO signals and EEAT
13: Programmatic SEO page template for service 1: Zonnepanelen (Solar Panels).

Location pages have unique identifiers for each location, as well as unique content snippets (see below), strucured data (see above), title tags, headings, etc.
This way all are indexed individually, and showing up in SERPs.

Quote form is above the fold, eye-catching, and intriguing to fill in immediately once landing on the page:
14: Programmatic SEO pages all internally link to 2 other pages within a paragraph (not just footer), as is optimal for SEO, but not stuffed like 2010 SEOs still tend to think works.

Unique locational identifiers thus change per location, Limburg --> Hasselt in this page:
15: External Links to relevant & high DA websites within main service (Solar Panels)
(& some more internal links to contact CTA's):
16: Partially AI Generated SEO copy with small amount of dynamic variables per page, to further boost uniqueness and topical authority by covering new semantic / LSI / NLP keywords:
17: SEO Optimized FAQs
18: EEAT SEO Optimized contact and in general throughout the site: certifications, names, experience, gov business ID link (see footer below), address, phone numbers,...:
19: Footer, with most important location pages:
And so much more... Contact me, Niels Castermans from SilverLine Studio, to get your programmatic SEO website project done, ranking well in your service area, in each city!

SEO Optimized Renewable Energy Website